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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Brother Fang's Second Special Note: Your eyes weren't deceiving you....

(Image courtesy GSN.)

BACK in late January, a third entry in the Get Ready to Forget the "Match Game" Stars! series was up, if ever so briefly. Though this posting was essentially completed when published, in the days that followed its publication, I decided to withdraw it to do some drastic revisions. For me, it wasn't so much the content that bothered me as it was the writing angle with which I approached it. Since the post in question (a profile of actor Joe Flynn) is a lighter piece, I'm in no hurry to repost it any time soon, but it will reappear sometime in the future. (Additional Match Game profiles are in the works; keep a watch for them in the weeks and months ahead.)

So, to anyone who recalls seeing this listed on the Dashboard weeks back, and wondered where it disappeared to, your eyes weren't deceiving you; it was out, and now, it's not. I'm sorry for any confusion that may have resulted from this deletion.

Keeping it trivial....

Fang Shih-yu, Shaolin Temple.

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